Saturday 27 April 2013

9 Ways to Monetize Your Website and Make Money Online

Monetizing your website is a great way to bring in extra revenue, whether you run a blog or a business website. Naturally, many people want to earn more money so monetization is a hot topic. Before trying out any method it's important to realize that successful monetization requires some upkeep and time put into it before you really start seeing results.
Let's take a look at 9 ways you can start monetizing your website right now.
1. Contextual Advertising
Undoubtedly, one of the most obvious and easiest ways to start earning some money from your website is to start using ads. Google AdSense offers a simple method of contextual advertising that is regularly used with great success among many blogs and websites. AdSense is very widely known but don't rule out Clicksor, AdSonar, Yahoo Publisher Network and other companies that have a good track record.
2. Display Advertising
If your website is about a fairly unique or odd topic you may have a difficult time finding enough appropriate advertisers with contextual advertising. If this is the case then using display advertising may yield better results for you. Display advertising pays you per view rather than per click. Remember to use multiple displays and networks to ensure you're making the most money possible.
3. Targeted Advertising
Targeted advertising is one of the best forms of monetization via ads. Targeted ads are created by individuals or businesses that pay you to advertise on your website. While it is more difficult to get this type of advertising, it is well worth it. The key to finding people who would want to advertise on your website is to first make sure your website is worth advertising on! If you website is well-developed, has a great accompanying blog and great traffic, put up a link on your web pages in which people can fill out an advertising form.
4. Text Link Advertising
The final method of advertising for monetization is the use of text link ads. Text link ads are fairly unobtrusive and generally flow well with most website formats. Most website owners use this style along with others since it's a "set it and forget it" method. Though it is really simple to set up and use, it doesn't offer as great of payment as the above 3 advertising methods.
5. Affiliate Links
One of the oldest methods of monetization is the use of affiliate links. Regardless of what your website may be about, there are probably companies that sell complimenting products and services. Linking products and recommending them in blog posts can really boost revenue. Amazon is the most common affiliate that is used, though may other companies are picking up on this and offer affiliate programs.
6. Selling Your Own Products
If you don't already have products available, you could easily create some such as eBooks, courses, DVDs, etc. Selling your own products means that you can get the full income from them while simultaneously boosting yourself up as an expert in your field. Selling your own products means you have to create the product and market it. This takes time but you will be very well-rewarded for your efforts. This method is one of the best for a long-term income stream.
7. Consulting
If it works with your website's topic, and you have the proper level of expertise, you can try selling your services through consultation. For example, if your website is all about dog behavior, you could offer a consultation for owners who are having a problem with their dog. Setting up a consultation service is really simple but can tarnish your reputation if you don't fully understand what you are talking about.
8. Donations
Donations used to be a really common method of monetization to keep your website up and running. It is less common but worth a shot if you have a large, dedicated reader base. It is important to not come off as greedy when asking for donations. Keep your "Donate" link or button fairly small and out of the way. Also, if you're using a lot of ads then asking for donation can seem like you're just trying to take as much money as possible.
9. Reviewing Products
If you have a well-known, respectable web presence you may be able to review products for a price. Many companies are more than willing to either send you free products or even may you a fee to honestly review a product and create a blog post about it. This can be a fun way to make extra money that can also be beneficial to your readers/visitors.
Do some research, ask yourself some questions, and get started with a couple of the above techniques soon!

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