Saturday 17 August 2013

Internet Marketing Statistics You Can’t Ignore

In this day and age, traditional forms of advertising are quickly becoming obsolete. In research done by Nielson, Internet advertising has been outgrowing traditional forms like television, radio, magazines, and newspaper. It is projected to take up a quarter of the advertising share by 2015.
When the average person is exposed to 3,000 advertising messages a day, you want to make sure that your advertising vehicle will get you to the target that you want. The Internet’s ease of access has created a large search gateway for customer’s needing your product or service. Upon balancing the prices of Internet advertising with its benefits, it’s easy to see why this is not a market to ignore.
Social media and SEO intern Michelle Do created the following awesome infographic so you can see just how much your company can benefit from Internet marketing.
Internet Advertising Infographic

Author: Bernadette Cleman

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