Thursday 27 June 2013

12 Social Media Tips to Drive Traffic to Your Website

A professionally designed business website is a powerful tool that can convert visitors into potential clients. But how can you make it seen by the global audience?
Driving visitors to your site may not be an easy task. But thanks to social media, the job becomes easier. Many have done it, and so can you. Just stick to these effective social network techniques and you’ll be surprised at how your traffic improves.
1. Respond, retweet. When someone comments on your post – reply accordingly. Providing immediate feedback is a huge plus to the audience. Likewise, if you read an interesting post, show the love and retweet or share the article.
2. Use hashtags. Hashtags show what the latest trend is and makes it simple for people to find your content. One good strategy is creating an original hashtag and linking it to a specific campaign.
3. Create an event or webinar. If your webinar becomes a success, you gain credibility and the trust of your audience. It also helps you build an email list that you can use for your email marketing strategies.
4. Cover industry events. Offer live tweet coverage of events that are significant to your target audience. This allows your potential clients to see what is happening real-time and turn to you if they can’t make it to the event.
5. Use visuals. Images add life to your text. If you want an added zing, place the perfect blend of words into stunning visuals. This will move faster across channels and increase your chances for soaring sales.
6. Keep videos short. Youtube videos are also essential in driving traffic to your website. However, keep in mind to keep them sweet and short. Your audience’s attention span may only be a few seconds. Deliver a succinct message in less than a minute, if possible.
7. Spruce up your page. Nobody is attracted to a badly-designed page. Spruce up your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ page with information and photos. But make sure to…
8. Be truthful. Lying about how wonderful your products and services are won’t get you anywhere. Instead of exaggerating about your achievements, offer insights, tips, and information that are helpful to your target audience.
9. Provide assistance.  Great customer service is the key. To make your business grow, harness the power of social media. Instead of asking your client to visit your establishment, tweet or comment them with the information they need to know.
10. Join a social group. Participating in group discussions demonstrates leadership and authority. Joining groups can also strike up conversations that could lead to more profit or more business.
11. Use Pinterest. Pinterest is an interest-driven community that is a hit for women from 18-34 years old.  If your business is one of weddings or fashions, this is a great site to help drive traffic to your site.
12. Do guest blogging. Guest blogging is a great strategy to promote the your own site and the one you’re posting on. When you write a guest post (like this one) you get a link to your website in exchange. The link back will send quality traffic to your site after someone reads it.
Author: Melissa Page

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