Monday 3 June 2013

Differentiating Your Business From the Crowd

How are you going to stand out from the crowd? Here are some ideas....and if you watch the short video just after this post you will know that differentiating your business can deliver great rewards.
"How do I make my business stand out?" is one of the most common questions I hear from not only start-up business owners, but from owners of established businesses as well. This is especially the case when they're competing against larger companies. If this is a question you've wrestled with, don't worry, the solution is much easier than you think. Let's look at one thing you can do that will make your business really stand out.
Differentiation Strategy
Making your business stand out is about implementing a differentiation and positioning strategy so that your business really stands out from the competition. What's different about your business? What's different about your product or service? What's different about the results that your customers receive? What is it that you do better than others? Differentiation strategies are based on the answers to these questions.
If you're having a hard time coming up with how you're different, take a break and approach the issue from a different perspective. What are the disadvantages of some of your competitors? What do people not like about your competitors or your industry? This isn't about being negative, this is about getting in touch with the real concerns that people have in the back of their mind when they approach your company? How are you different from everyone else? This becomes a part of your marketing positioning.
Build your brand and your marketing around how you're different. Highlight the differentiators that will be most important to your target audience. The goal here isn't just to show that you're different. It is to create preference for your business in the mind of your prospects.
Your Biggest Selling Point
Creating a preference for your business over everyone else out there is about knowing what your customers really want and value most. What is the conversation that is going on in their minds about your product or service? What is it that your market wants most from you? Is it peace of mind? Is it more time to focus on what matters most to them? Is it hassle free, high touch service? Is it time and attention so that they feel understood?
Talking to some of your favorite or ideal clients is a great way to get to know what matters most from the customer's perspective. At the end of the day, your biggest selling points are less about what you think and more about what your customers think.
Making your business stand out in a crowded marketplace is really all about highlighting your biggest selling points. Making your business immune from competition is all about identifying and articulating your biggest selling points in a way that resonates with your target audience. What makes you different?

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