Monday 27 May 2013

6 Tips to Start Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is one way to market you business' website and get links back to your website.
Guest blogging involves you writing an article or post for someone else's website or blog. Usually, there is no payment exchanged. Instead, in exchange for your article you get links in the article back to your website. The links can either be in the body of the article or in an author's bio or resource box. It's up to the owner of the website or blog to specify.
Guest blogging is beneficial to both the blog/website owner and the guest blogger. The blog or website owner gets new content for free. The guest blogger gets links back to his website or blog.
Here's a few tips to get you started guest blogging.
1. Locate blogger/guest blogger websites in which bloggers are looking for guest bloggers and guest bloggers are trying to identify website owners who need content.
2. Register with the site and start looking at what types of blogs are looking for articles. Your area of expertise or niche will dictate which sites you want to submit guest blogs to. For example, if you are marketing healthcare products on your site and want to get links back to that, look for sites that are related to what you are marketing. You want to look for sites that are complementary to your business and not in direct competition with you.
3. Once you have found some blogs, be sure to visit those sites and take note of what article topics they have covered recently. You don't want to offer them an article that's similar to what they currently have posted.
4. Contact the blog owner and offer a new article. It's also acceptable to introduce yourself to the blog owner and ask if they have any specific article topic they would like on their website.
5. Get details. Make sure before you submit the article that you know the word limit, how many links you can include and where they need to be. That is, ask whether the links need to be in the body of the article or in the author's resource box Also, make sure you know what format the article should be in.
6. Write and submit a quality article. Be sure to edit and proofread the article before submitting it to the blog owner.
Guest blogging is a great way to get links back to your website while also promoting yourself as an expert in your field. Make it part of your content marketing plan.

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