Sunday 12 May 2013

How To Succeed In Making Money Online

In order to make money online, you need to do the following things:
  • Learn as much as you possible can about all facets of this business. The more you know, the more you will earn.

  • Start building a list right from the start. Don't put it off. List building should be at the top of your To Do list and it will pay you rich rewards later on.

  • An online business is a business like any other business and must be run like a business. It won't run itself. Forget about "set it and forget it" or "done for you" business models; they don't work. It takes planning, hard work, dedication, and perseverance.

  • Keep regular business hours and either work on projects, watch training videos, read training manuals, network with other marketers, or follow-up on customer service. Each day you must perform some tasks to drive traffic to your sales funnels or some other monetization activity.

  • Maintain a positive mindset. Believe in what you are doing and you will soon see results. Think positively; don't dwell on negative issues. If you make mistakes, just recognize them as something not to repeat, and then get on with doing the things that are successful and make you money. Don't beat yourself up.

  • If you need the security of a steady paycheck, this business may not be for you. Like most businesses there are periods of feast or famine, so get used to the roller-coaster ride that often goes with self-employment.

  • Be smart and use good judgment. Try to arrange emergency funding well in advance to cover you while you are in startup. Set aside six to twelve months of operating funds.

  • Stop buying all the new shiny objects that hit your inbox. You need to start selling in order to succeed. Spend your money on advertising and traffic promotion instead.

  • Find the right niche for yourself. Select one that you like and one that is already a proven money-maker. It is so much easier to stay motivated when you like what you are doing.

  • Find good mentors and coaches and invest time on a regular basis into training and learning. There is a substantial learning curve for this business and good coaching will cut the time in half before you see positive results.

  • Manage your time wisely. Make a To Do list and check off each item as you get it done. Keep the lists so you can refer back to them to see if you have stayed on course or to identify the major distractions that kept you from reaching your goals.

  • Join several Internet marketing forums in your niche and participate in discussions. You can make a lot of valuable contacts and learn from the experience of other marketers.

  • Strive for excellence, but also know when you have done your best and be satisfied with it. Always try to improve in your design and writing, but keep moving forward. Pace yourself so you get the work out in a timely manner.

  • Produce long blog posts of at least 1000 words, because they are higher quality than short posts, convey more information, and are more likely to be shared and passed around the Internet. A viral effect will occur with more back-links pointing to your blog, creating greater SEO benefits and more traffic visiting your site from outside sources. More traffic means more money.

  • Manually link to high quality sites with high page rank to produce back-links and increase income and a favorable response from search engines.

  • You need to balance your social life with your work. Obviously, it is necessary to work at your business each day in order to move it forward and grow your income, but it is equally important to give your family your time and attention as well, and yourself some stress-free leisure time. Your business will still be there when you return to your desk, so try to enjoy yourself. Life is too short to work all the time.
In order to make money online, you need to avoid doing the following things:
  • Don't try to hit a grand slam, just try to get on base. If you've fallen behind, don't think you can score a home run to pull yourself out of a jam. Don't try to get rich quick. The best strategy is don't get behind in the first place so you don't put undue stress on yourself. Do what it takes to keep up with your obligations. When you procrastinate, you fall behind. Don't be lazy and put off doing the important things that are essential to your business.Don't quit your day job until you know you have a steady cash flow coming in. Save up a reserve to cover your major bills for a year, before you quit your job, because this business is full of surprises and you can't rely on money always coming in on a consistent basis until you have been in operation for several months.

  • Don't give up when the going gets tough. Cash flow is important to any business, but if you encounter some dry spells, just be persistent and your efforts will pay off.

  • Don't spend too much time on your social network or reading email or surfing around. Facebook and Twitter can eat up hours of your valuable time and not deliver anything besides entertainment. Structure your time so that you get things done and keep moving forward.

  • Don't spend too much time on your computer. Set a daily work schedule and stick to it until you get your work done. Do not stay up all night or neglect your obligations and family. Know when enough is enough. Balance your work with your life.

  • Don't let your business become an addiction. Give your business its due and the time and attention that is necessary, and then go do something else. Life is too short to work your life away.

  • Don't be an obsessive-compulsive perfectionist. When you achieve a high standard of quality in your work, be satisfied with it and know when it is done. If you keep tweaking and modifying, and changing it, you will never stay on your production schedule.

  • Don't try to multitask because once you lose your focus, you cannot give the right amount of effort to the tasks or projects that is required. Do things sequentially and when you get one thing done, then move on to the next one. Concentrate on producing quality, not quantity.

  • Never put your online business in the hands of a single outside party. Select a hosting provider that will not shut you down at the first accusation of spam like Don't use free blogging platforms exclusively to run your business. Always control the services that you use and never allow any provider to shut you off or slow you down.

  • Don't let your freelance outsourced contractors have access to your entire database if possible. Make sure you have each one sign non-disclosure and non-compete agreements prior to engaging their services and always have them work on copies and request the original code along with your deliverable.

  • Change passwords to your site immediately after they have concluded their work. Try to split work assignments between two freelancers so neither has the complete project contents. Hire a third freelancer to merge the two drafts and complete the final copy unless it is software.

  • Don't waste your time on pursuing useless traffic such as buying fake clicks in bulk or leads or most safe-lists. Don't waste time clicking other people's links on traffic exchanges either. These only produce low quality traffic that doesn't convert. Avoid these scams and spend your money on ad swaps and solo ads instead.

  • Don't try to build your list based upon giveaways. Subscribers from giveaways are generally looking for "freebies" and don't turn out to be good buyers in the long run. You need to build a list of known buyers instead.

  • Never purchase bulk back-links pointing at your site. This is usually very low quality and it will harm your ranking in most search engines. Most search engines recognize artificial link-building activities and impose penalties on those who try.

  • Stop chasing every shiny object that enters your email inbox. Do not jump around from one business opportunity to another.

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