Saturday 25 May 2013

Working with bloggers to promote your business

When it comes to promoting your business, an increasing number of entrepreneurs are reaching out to bloggers to write about their products and services. In the past, there were few options available to business owners. You could pay for advertising, or hope that you would be given coverage in mainstream media. These opportunities were limited, often confined by the number of pages in a publication. However, the world of blogging has opened up new channels for business owners to reach their target audience.

Tram Tran started her online shopping site Koogal in February 2013. She focuses on selling fashion to 16 to 26 year old women. "When I was at university I started selling my old clothes on eBay," says Tran. "It was a hobby but then I noticed that there was demand for certain types of tops and dresses, so I began sourcing them and selling on eBay."

Tran says she realised that she could make a bigger margin if she opened an online store. This is so she could avoid the fees charged by eBay and PayPal, which she used to take payment. "I used Shopify to create my online store. It was really easy. I spent the weekend uploading pictures of the clothes and then my site was ready to go," she says.

Getting eyeballs

However, having an online store means nothing if people don't visit it and buy from you. So Tran implemented two key strategies: Google Adwords and blogger outreach.

"I researched all the keywords and figured out which ones had the best success rate when it comes to conversions. We set a budget of how much we would spend a day. We started out with $20 a day. Now we've increased it to $40 a day."

In addition to Google Adwords, Tran says she thought about what her target market were reading to find out more about fashion. "I know that I like reading fashion blogs," says Tran. "So I thought: 'Why not ask these bloggers to spread the word about my business?'"

To this end, Tran identifies fashion bloggers and sends them free products – mainly dresses – in the hopes they will write about her online store. Since February this year, she's sent about 40 dresses to bloggers. "So far, all of them have ended up featuring the dresses on their blog," says Tran, who adds that after being featured on a blog, the traffic to her online site sees an increase of up to five times its usual amount. And her sales revenue has increased 50 per cent every month.
It's an economical exercise for Tran who does not pay most of the bloggers she contacts."However, I do pay some of the more popular bloggers," she says, adding that this payment is clearly disclosed when the bloggers writes about the item.

Tran's strategy is working. Although still a relatively new business, she says she's making enough money from the site to "live on" and she has plans to expand.

Promoting services

While sending products to bloggers is easy if you actually sell a product, it's easy to wonder how the same result can be achieved when you sell a service.

Cassidy Poon has reached out to bloggers to promote a very different kind of business. Poon is national marketing manager of LogicalTech Group, which is keen to promote "managed IT services, Microsoft products and solutions, Oracle solutions, business intelligence and mobility solutions to enterprise clients."

Poon is a firm believer in the influence wielded by certain bloggers. "I believe strongly, in this day and age, that powerful blogs from dedicated bloggers are often a go-to source for our key decision makers," he says, referring to CIOs, IT Managers and small business owners. He says these people are often looking for technology solutions and seek product reviews written by trusted tech bloggers.

"These bloggers can be more persuasive than a comparable traditional media ad campaign. Our target market get invested in the tech blogger’s story and feel like they know our brand; when the tech blogger recommends our product or brand, they trust our dedicated blogger."

Poon says you need to be strategic in choosing the right bloggers to work with. "Partnering with our dedicated bloggers is a great way for us to raise brand awareness — and if done right, a blogging partnership can potentially generate a significant increment of sales to us," he says. "I usually go into LinkedIn and search for the profiles of key technology bloggers, editors and journalists that will be interested to cover our press releases or feature articles. Sometimes we can engage a paid blogging partnership. Most blogging jobs pay per post (often around 300-500 words), and have some kind of regular posting schedule." Poon reveals that he pays $5 to $50 per post.

Beauty blogging

Bellabox's Sarah Hamilton is also a fan of working with bloggers to promote her business, an online service that sends beauty products to people every month. It was founded in late 2011. "As an e-commerce business, we understand the value that bloggers represent in terms of word of mouth communication," says Hamilton. "Bloggers have an amazing reach and the ability to speak to consumers almost anywhere, regardless of geography. Bloggers also have a unique connection with their readers – they can speak to their audiences from a position of authority, whilst still often being very approachable.

"We are quite a blog obsessed bunch at bellabox. We like to keep up with ‘whose who’ in the blogging world and reach out to bloggers who foster similar communities to ours. This makes it easy to collaborate with like-minded bloggers, open to mutually beneficial partnerships.

"The most regularly occurring outcome for us is that bloggers will review our bellaboxes and promote the concept of beauty subscription to their readers. Working with bloggers is a very important part of our marketing and PR strategy, and it’s something we continue to do on a daily basis."

If you're looking at reaching out to bloggers, here are key factors to consider:

1. Start reading blogs that speak to your target audience. If you're not clear where to find them, use Google. Search for "Top beauty blogs in Australia", "Best Business Blogs" or whatever search terms best suit your industry and audience.

2. If you have a product, you might consider sending the product to the blogger for review. However, the blogger is under no obligation to write about that product if no payment is involved.

3. If you want to ensure coverage on a blog, consider paying for a sponsored post.

4. Every blogger is different. As the blogosphere is still evolving, you can expect wildly varying fees for sponsored posts. While Cassidy Poon (above) may only pay $5 to $50 per post, some popular bloggers can charge up to $3000 per post. The amount you pay is often a reflection of the popularity and experience of a blogger.

Author: Valerie Khoo


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