Friday 17 May 2013

How Fiverr Got Me Started Making Money Online

Today, I'm going to show you a secret. One of the hardest things is finding an audience for your product or service. I have a fantastic place for you to check out and get selling. Having used this little "secret" for two years now, let me tell you that you CAN be successful and make your first money online relatively easy.
Introducing - Fiverr is my little secret. Sorry, it's not a real big secret, but there are millions of people that don't know about it - just like there are hundreds of thousands who USE to buy and sell services.
First off, I have no affiliate connection with Fiverr. I do not obtain any reimbursement or commission for telling you about Fiverr or sending you there to look at the site. is a micro job site where people sell services, products, information, and content, along with lots of fun and crazy things - all for the tiny sum of $5 - yes, that's five dollars. Doesn't sound like much, you say? Oh, but don't let that little $5 sign fool you.
People are making their first money online at Fiverr and then there are people who have built up their business and reputation and make a decent income off Fiverr. It all depends on what you have to offer, how many people see your offer, what service you are providing in which niche, and how you treat your customers.
How Fiverr Works
To get the best usage out of, you need to sign up for an account. It's free to everyone to sign up. Get a username, sign in, and look over the site. It's very, very simple AND there are plenty of videos and training to show you how to set things up.
Once you have set up your account, browsed through the offerings of other Fiverr users, you should have a pretty good idea how to work your ads. Choose a couple services or products that you can easily do for $5.
Let's say you are quick and knowledgeable about logo design, you have software that helps you design logos and you can whip these out in under 15 minutes.
So now you log in to your Fiverr account, go to My Gigs, and click on Add New Gig. Write out a catchy title that is descriptive. For logo design you could have something like I will design a logo for your website for $5.
Then down to the description box, you will explain exactly what you will do for this logo design. You may limit the service in whatever way you see fit; for example, you could limit the design to a two-color logo. Look at what other people have on offer for logo design and you'll get a good idea what is typical. You may very well find that you can take a couple ideas, blend them together to make a unique and more valuable product for your clients.
Next, go to the instructions box where you will explain to your buyer what he/she needs to send you in order for you to design their logo. You may need to know colors, size, letters, graphics they might want. You will need to have this information clearly explained in this instruction box so that it saves both you and your client time.
Finally, once you've completed the two large boxes, you will then indicate how many days it will take you to fulfill the order (always give yourself a little extra time should something unforeseen occur to delay you - and believe me, it happens when you least expect it), go to the Tags box and write out a list of 4 or 5 keywords that describe your service. In this case for the logo design, your keywords could be logos, graphic design, branding, business cards. And finally, upload a unique picture to represent this gig. Hopefully if you're offering logo design, you should have plenty of jpg pictures around to upload. Fiverr likes us to use unique pictures for each gig.

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